Saturday, 3 July 2010

Nature 1- Environmentalists 0

As I have mentioned in a previous topic regarding the environment issue(Which is lost and cannot be found now), global warming to be precise.

What was the fear again? Oh yeah Global warming and the melting of the glaciers. Umm Yeah, nature does not suffer because of our actions.

People really over estimate the effect of what they do, Ice age happened before, no global warming no nothing, its nature’s way of flushing out the bad stuff.

Recent events and to be more exact, the volcanic eruption in Iceland, Oh yeah!! The volcano in Iceland has put a huge volcanic cloud over Europe stopping all flights from and to Europe not to mention the Acid rain and the melting of the glaciers. This cloud decreases the temperature of the planet (It is a fact check the volcano that erupted in the Philippines, it decreased the temp of the planet by 1 degree), I read the news and I feel sorry for the people who are living in Iceland for the fact they had to evacuate hundreds of people. Now tell me should they be worried what type of a car I drive? Or the fact that Volcanoes erupting up north? Oh by the by that’s the second one in approximately a month.

What is the relationship between global warming and the volcano rupturing in Iceland? There is no relationship. Global warming did not cause the volcano's eruption.

Just watch nature settle things its own way.
Remember George Carlin.

This is like some ants are complaining that the rest of the ants are digging in the earth making it more fragile.

I would like to see some intellectual input about this matter, and if possible a decent debate.
Please no mumbo jumbo about 2012 end of the world Bull's poop.

This is what an acquaintance have mailed me.
"what I'm linking you to is a "presentation", more like a pretty long speech of someone called David icke(ex journalist, 20 yrs ago had a revelation, started researching and writing books). it took me a few days to go thru it because of its length but also the quantity of information. i found it a lot to take in to say the least (haha when you hear "reptile" remember to pause and take a deep breath)

now, i heard about him on TV, being ridiculed on the discovery channel so i thought hmm let's check him out, if only for a laugh. if he goes too far for your taste just take what you like. there's a lot of info out there about both him and the presented information.


or youtube
PlayList&p=4C168E8EB4CE9DF9&playnext_from=PL&index=0&playnext=1 "

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