Sunday 4 July 2010

Have you?

Have you every had this feeling that, no matter how much you want to help people who are really in need, you cannot?
The thing is, it's not that you are incapable, it's because those who need help do not believe that you are trying to help. I guess you cannot blame them cause they went through hell to survive. Not to mention that their lives are actually a fight just to make it through the day.
It hurts me to see that people are suffering, having to do things that I (and most) wouldn't even think of doing. Having to do illegal stuff and the pay off is not even worth it. Girls having to sell their bodies for prices close to nothing, and boys having to either join the mafia (gangs in other countries) or .... well that's it.
I know that some are ruined beyond fixing but still, is there nothing that can be done?
I am talking about helping the person who needs help with out expecting that person to do something in return.
Helping purely for helping not for some hidden objective. I have seen some religious factions helping out but.. expecting a convert. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about ... I am sure you get what I mean.

The problem is that those who lead normal lives pass judgement on those unfortunate people. For example, Kuwaiti women (most not all) believe that Indians/ Filipinos and south east Asian women are cheap. Why? Cause their hubbies go to those countries to fornicate and it is relatively cheaper than other places. Now I am not defending those two timing cheap bastards. I am looking at it from the point of view of those girls (the south East Asians). Life is not as easy as the Kuwaiti women think. I know for a fact that there are some girls who are from well known families in Kuwait that got back-doored for a prepaid phone card cause her father did not want to give her some money. No one is better than anyone. These girls had to choose between eating or starving. Some did not have any type of education and others were forced to do so. I am sure that most of these girls if given the opportunity they would stop what they are doing and lead a normal life. But it is not that easy, once you're in it is almost impossible to get out.
That is why I keep thinking, if something can be offered to these unfortunate people that would lead them and give them a normal life and the past life is erased once and for all.


  1. I know, what you mean... but unfortunatelly, noone can do this worldwide :(.

  2. People tend to pass judgement on anything what is 'not normal' in their own point of view, and that point of view is often formed mainly by society and it's current values. What is all right in Britain will be a deviation from normal behaviour in Kuwait, and what is normal in India will be a deviation for Americans... namely take set-up marriages, covering vs. uncovering women's body, and so on so forth...
    Passing judgement on someone is quite natural way how to preserve your own values in life which you commonly depict as the right ones, and they might be the right ones for you - but not for everyone...
    But I got a bit off the point here :D

  3. Perfect that you have found my comment!! ♥
